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Schematic snapshot of the web viewer of the system taken at 09:00 UT on July 05, 2020. At present, the viewer is only in Japanese. The left panel shows the pressure and bulk flow velocity distributions on the equatorial plane in the SM coordinate system. The right panel shows the pressure distribution on the 6.6 RE sphere in the geographic coordinate system. Specific date and time can be selected at the top column. A 2-h movie from the selected start time in the right panel can be played by controlling the bottom slider. The pink cross mark on the right panel of Fig. 7 can be moused over to examine the parameters and estimated satellite potentials. The result is instantaneously shown in the table inside the viewer. A schematic table is separately shown in Table 1
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate preferences and the relative importance of possible criteria that could be taken into consideration for health care priority setting in Cyprus. This is the first attempt on the topic in Cyprus and thus there are no similar data available to benchmark against and compare the results.
The optimys short-stem uses the anatomy of the medial cortex to position itself along the calcar femorale. According to the pre-existing pre-operative CCD angle it can re-establish the varus-valgus position of the femoral neck in a large bandwidth (Figs. 4 and 5). In addition, the resection of the femoral neck determines the positioning of the stem in the proximal femur. Thus, according to the digital planning, resection can be varied to affect the stem position. A high resection of the femoral neck leads the stem alongside the calcar in a varus position with a correspondingly large offset; a valgus position is also achieved along the calcar, but by deep resection. The stem is available in 12 sizes. Unlike other systems, the neck length extends with each prosthesis size for another 1.4 mm. Thus, it takes account of the tendency that a marked varus anatomy needs rather small implant sizes whereas in femoral neck valgus positions rather large implant sizes are used [1]. This means that implants brought into valgus position are able to better counteract a loss of offset by an implicit extension in comparison to smaller stems. Furthermore, given the option of choosing from two different offset versions, a standard and a lateral version, which increases the offset compared to the standard cone by about 5 mm, an optimal offset recovery can be achieved.
PDAC is a highly heterogenic disease, and various attempts have been undertaken to define distinct subtypes with the aim of stratifying patients towards personalized treatment strategies [49, 50, 60,61,62]. Currently available transcriptome-based classifications were extracted via unsupervised clustering methods and differ in the numbers of subtypes identified. Nevertheless, all share common subtypes, including a classical/canonical subtype hallmarked by epithelial-like gene expression, and a quasi-mesenchymal/basal-like subtype characterized by a more mesenchymal gene expression pattern and poorer prognosis (Fig. 2). These subtypes meanwhile can be stratified by immunohistochemistry using hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A (HNF1A) and cytokeratin-81 (KRT81) as markers [64]. Furthermore, subtypes related to exocrine pancreas function have been described as well as subtypes with expression signatures of immune cell-related genes [50, 61, 62]. Although to date there is still no consensus classification which would be the prerequisite for clinical application, retrospective as well as prospective analyses have shown that subtype-based stratification has the potential for genomics-driven precision medicine [64, 65]. The PDAC subtypes obviously stem from inter-tumoral heterogeneity. Yet, intra-tumoral heterogeneity needs to be considered as well, and tumor cell plasticity might render these classifications dynamic, especially upon therapeutic intervention. 041b061a72