Protools11crackkickasstorrents Extra Quality
'-d datadir : data directory where all torrents are stored (the ones the torrentgrabber identifies are not modified) '-i inputdir : torrent directory (including the torrent file inside) that will be used to perform the real scans. protools11crackkickasstorrents will then add the information to a base in inputdir. the real tool will be executed on this base torrent directory.
'-o outputdir : directory where the results of the real tool are stored. protools11crackkickasstorrents will then compress and move this output to the torrent dir. the tool will be called with the option -i to make sure that it's ok to use a changed folder.
the tool protools11crackkickasstorrents is not very stable. even if the -f $filename option is passed to it, you'll probably encounter errors. in this case protools11crackkickasstorrents will generate a new torrent file to satisfy all the requirements (so you can just re-run the tool). however, if you have torrents already inside this output base (and you cannot make it work), the -f option will make the tool crash. the error you can encounter is something like this:
options for this tool. -c compression option this is a flag for specifying the compression type. we assume gif by default. the possible options are gif, bzip2, and zip (nothing changed from previous versions). -d output dir this is the directory that the.torrent file will be output to. if the destination is a local drive letter, this can be used to specify the location on the target drive (as long as it exists).